Schindler’s Studio had the honor of attending and photographing Shikellamy High School Prom this year. Formals were taken, along with casuals, prom walk, the gardens, and prom crowning.
To check out all the candids from that evening please login to Schindler’s Online Gallery using login: prom
There are several galleries for prom. The first image shows you the other logins to access the other galleries. You can order prints directly from that gallery. http://www.photopreviews.net/cgi-bin/shop/www.schindlersstudio.com/login.tam
If you were a couple or individual who had formal portraits taken, your formal can be ordered at any time through Schindler’s call 570-286-1412, message on Facebook, email [email protected], or stop by to view and pay for your portraits.
To see a quick video of all the fun candids visit our Facebook page for the Shikellamy Prom Video 2019.
Also, a quick thank you to all the sponsors, parents, volunteers and businesses that helped make the prom a success. A few of those are: Weis Markets, Blue River Spell Band, Wake & Wire, LLC, and of course the Masonic Lodge.